Registrar Office is a main pillar in the University’s administration. In addition to being the center of human resource management, the Registrar Office is also a center of information resources management and administration. Registrar Office also plays an important role in moving the university administration and management activities. It is the intention of this Office, to always give the best service to every customer in order to support the vision, mission and objective of the University. Besides, the Registrar Office also responsible for the University human resources management and staff welfare.
A leader of administrative and managerial excellence characterized by entrepreneurship in line with the aspirations of the University
To be an efficient center in Administration, Human Resources and Information Management to meet customer needs
To plan and implement Human Resource Management activities to produce quality staff. Act as an information management center to collect and analyze all information related to staff in helping the University make decisions on a policy. Be the heart of the administration of the University where all management and administrative activities of the University are planned and mobilized through this office. Manage and ensure all aspects of staff welfare are emphasized.